Bluescope Rail Bridge

Repair an operationally critical high-capacity rail bridge.

Operations could only cease for 4 hours allowing a short time window for repair and curing.

Special Challenge

Stringent OH&S procedures were reviewed by Safety and Quality Assurance experts from both Fluor & BlueScope.

Andersal’s work on this project was recognised when Andersal was awarded a Certificate of Merit at the 2008 ACRA Awards. ACRA (Australian Concrete Repair Association) is the premier industry organisation dealing with concrete repairs.


  • Andersal was selected because of our proposed hydro-demolition solution, commitment to a restrictive timetable and our total technical solution.
  • Up to 80 – 20kg bags of of Patchroc C were used per repair. This was all done by hand as only 10 minutes were allowed before the concrete started to set. The setting concrete was very hot and required continuous cooling with water.
  • We applied a SIKA grey coloured protective coating to prevent water penetration and minimize the corrosive process in the future.
  • The team worked 7am to 7pm for 7 days of back breaking work.
  • BlueScope Steel, Fluor Australia and Cardno rated this a very successful project.

Does your building need repair or an upgrade?

Delays to remedial repairs could cost you more in the long run. Enquire with us for a quote today!
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